Welcome to the website of the RH2-PTG innovation and demonstration project
WIND-projekt Ingenieur- und Projektentwicklungsgesellschaft mbH (WIND-projekt) on behalf of WIND-WASSERSTOFF-projekt GmbH & Co. KG (WIWA-projekt) is planning an innovative scheme under the name of RH2-PTG which requires a special regional planning procedure under public participation.The following pages are to provide transparent information in this regard.
For more than 15 years, WIND-projekt has been doing business in the Altentreptow region of the German Federal state of Mecklenburg – Western Pomernia operating numerous wind turbines (WEA). Last year the demonstration and innovation project of RH2-WKA was completed successfully which comprises a powerful wind farm as well as a new type of energy storage system on the basis of renewable hydrogen (RH2). Thus, wind power could be stored in the form of renewably produced hydrogen for the first time in our projects which can be re-converted into energy on demand and without the usage of CO2.
Systematically following this path, WIND-projekt is planning another innovative scheme under the name of RH2-Pripsleben/Tützpatz/Gültz (RH2-PTG) on behalf of the project contractor. In this way, WIND-projekt is following the keynote of providing a clean and safe future on the basis of renewable energies for the people in the country as well as for future generations.

RH2-PTG is an energy-infrastructure scheme that for the first time in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania combines in its form several infrastructural fields, thus creating a CO2-free, sustainable as well as demand-oriented energy system.

Partners & Sponsors
In the planning and implementation of RH2-PTG, WIND-projekt closely cooperates with reliable partners and institutions, ensuring a competent and trustful cooperation in order to implement the project in its best possible form.

News updates on RH2-PTG
In the interest of planning transparency, WIND-projekt continuously informs about current developments in the progress of the project. At the same time, conceptual details are to be presented in order to enable all parties to get fully informed about the scheme.